The Chair of the Faculty is elected for a two-year term and is not eligible to succeed himself/herself immediately. He/she is elected in accordance with the procedure prescribed in these bylaws. The Chair of the Faculty shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee of the college. In case the Chair is unable to complete the term of office, the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division shall within two months conduct an election, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in these bylaws, for the unexpired term, provided that the unexpired term is longer than six months. If a person so elected fills the vacancy for a period of not more than one year, the provision of this bylaw with regard to immediate reelection shall not apply and he/she shall be eligible for immediate reelection at the end of his/her term. (Am 4 Nov 82)
The Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Faculty is chosen by the Executive Committee from among its membership. The term of office is one year. (Am 2 Jun 83)
The election of the Chair of the Faculty is conducted as provided in chapter 7 of the bylaws of the Division.
The Chair takes office beginning September first next following his/her election at a regular election or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election. The Secretary-Parliamentarian takes office immediately upon appointment. (Am 2 Jun 83)(Am May 06)
A quorum consists of twenty-five members of the Faculty. In the absence of a quorum and/or of a written objection received by the Chair before the appointed time of the meeting and with unanimous consent of all present, all items in the call submitted for approval by the Executive Committee shall be considered approved by the Faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. In case of objection, the Executive Committee may submit such items to a mail ballot.
A motion to submit a measure to mail ballot has precedence over a motion for a vote in meeting.
The Chair shall send, at least five days before each meeting, copies of the call for every meeting of the Faculty, together with all pertinent documents, to every member of the Faculty. The Faculty shall not change curricular requirements of the college or its departments or change these bylaws at the meetings at which such proposals for change are first made unless notice is previously given to all members of the Faculty in a call to the meeting.
These bylaws constitute primary rules of order for meetings of the Faculty and of the committees of the Faculty. The order of business is that prescribed in bylaw 4.01 of the Division. Questions of order not covered by these bylaws are governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
The minutes of every meeting of the Faculty shall be sent by the Secretary-Parliamentarian to every member of the Faculty within ten days after the meeting.
The members of the Executive Committee are elected in the following manner:
The elected Faculty membership of the committee shall be distributed as follows: three members chosen from among the departments of Art History, English, History, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Hispanic Studies, and Gender and Sexuality Studies; three members chosen from among the departments of Anthropology, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology; one member from among the fine arts departments and programs; and two members chosen from among the committee members of the degreegranting non-departmental programs. There shall be no more than one member of the committee elected from any one department or program. (Am 4 Nov 82)(Am 7 Feb 91)(Am 11 Nov 93)
The term of office of members of the Executive Committee is two years. The Chair of the Faculty and four of the elected members of the Executive Committee are elected in the same year; the five other elected members of the Executive Committee are elected in alternate years.
An elected member of the Executive Committee is not eligible for immediate re-election, with the following exception: if the member is elected to the position of Chair of the Faculty, the member may also be reelected to the Executive Committee. (Am 25 May 00)
The election is held by mail ballot as provided in chapter 7 of the bylaws of the Division. For purposes of these elections, members of the Executive Committee are considered Officers of the Faculty of the College. Members of the Executive Committee take office on the first day of September following their election at a regular election or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election. (Am 22 May 07)
Whenever the Executive Committee determines that a vacancy exists in its membership, the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division conducts an election in accordance with the prescribed procedure, provided the vacancy is expected to last more than six months. A vacancy shall be declared to exist and the committee member considered to have resigned if he anticipates an absence from the committee of more than six months. Vacancies of six months or less are filled temporarily by appointment by the Chair of the Faculty with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
At the beginning of each academic year, the Executive Committee will request that the Legislative Council of the Associated Students and the Graduate Student Council each select two student representatives to the Executive Committee. Each of these student representatives must be majoring in a department or program within the college.
The Executive Committee has the following functions:
The Executive Committee has general oversight of the academic welfare and discipline of the students in the college and shall have power to bring before the Faculty of the College any matters which the committee may deem advisable.
The Executive Committee appoints all other standing committees and all special committees of the Faculty unless otherwise directed at a meeting of the Faculty of the College.
The Executive Committee acts finally for the Faculty of the College (a) in the awarding of all degrees to students of the college in all cases that do not involve the suspension of a regulation or that involve only minor adjustments in the curriculum and (b) in the awarding of honors at graduation. The committee likewise is empowered to act on petitions of students for graduation under suspension of the regulations. The committee shall report all degrees approved to the Riverside Division.
The Executive Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty of the College regarding the establishment and discontinuation of all departmental and non-departmental majors and minors within the college. Regarding modifications in these areas, the Executive Committee acts for the Faculty. (Am 27 Jan 76)
The Executive Committee acts for the Faculty of the College in making recommendations to the Division in regard to courses and curricula.
The Executive Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Dean of the college on proposals for the establishment of new departments and the modification or discontinuation of existing departments within the college.
The Executive Committee establishes and maintains liaison with the Executive Committees of other colleges and schools of the Division.
Mail balloting on measures referred to the whole Faculty of the College are conducted by the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division following the provisions of chapter 7 of the Division bylaws.



The Faculty of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences consists of (1) the president of the University; (2) the Chancellor at Riverside; (3) the Executive Vice Chancellor; (4) the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; (5) all members of the Academic Senate who are members of departments assigned to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; (6) designated Senate members from other colleges and schools at Riverside, the number and departmental affiliation of such members to be specified by the Faculty of the College at a regular meeting in each case; (7) such other Senate members as may hereinafter be specified by the bylaws of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate.
Only voting members of the Academic Senate are eligible to vote in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.



The Officers of the Faculty consist of a Chair and a Secretary-Parliamentarian. (Am 2 Jun 83)



Meetings may be called by the Chair of the Faculty or by the Executive Committee. At the written request of ten voting members of the Faculty, the Chair must call a meeting. The Chair must call at least one meeting in each academic year. (Am 2 Jun 83)



There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair of the Faculty [ as provided in bylaw 2.1.1] and elected members of the faculty [as provided in bylaw HS 4.4.1].The Executive Committee elects the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Faculty from among its membership on a yearly basis [as provided in AM 26 May 88]. The Dean of the college and the associate Dean of student affairs serve in non-voting ex officio roles, and may not hold leadership positions within the Committee. The committee also includes non-voting student representatives [ as provided in bylaws HS].(Am 4 Nov 82)(Am 26 May 88)(Am 27 May 16)
There shall be a separate standing committee for each non-departmental program. These committees supervise and administer the nondepartmental programs approved by the Faculty. The Executive Committee will appoint each committee. When committees are concerned with graduate as well as undergraduate curricula, the selection of members shall be made in consultation with the Graduate Council. (Am 27 Jan 76)
The Executive Committee has the power to appoint special committees as needed.


Elections and Balloting

Elections are conducted as specified in {{bylaw|hs|2.1.1|HS2.1.1}}, {{bylaw|hs|2.1.3|HS2.1.3}}, {{bylaw|hs|4.1.1|HS4.1.1}}, {{bylaw|hs||HS4.1.1.4}}, and {{bylaw|hs||HS4.1.1.5}} above.


Amendment and Suspension of Bylaws and Regulations

These bylaws can be amended or suspended only as provided in chapter 6 of the bylaws of the Division and HS3.01.03.