The Chair of the Faculty is elected for a two-year term and is not eligible to succeed himself/herself immediately, unless his/her previous term lasted for less than one year. To assure orderly transition, the Chair of the Faculty shall remain in office until the successor assumes office. The election is conducted in accordance with the procedure prescribed in these bylaws. If the Chair is unable to complete the term of office, the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division shall within one month conduct an election in accordance with the procedure prescribed in these bylaws for the unexpired term provided that the unexpired term is longer than six months. In the interim or in the event the vacated term is less than six months, the Vice Chair of the Faculty will serve as Chair.(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)
The Vice Chair of the Faculty is chosen by the Executive Committee from among its members. The term of office expires at the end of his or her term of committee membership.(En Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)
The secretary of the Faculty is chosen by the Executive Committee from among its members. The term of office expires at the end his or her term of committee membership.(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)
The election of the Chair of the Faculty is conducted as provided in Chapter 7 of the bylaws of the Division.(Am Feb. 15, 2011)
The Chair assumes office on the first day of September following his/her election at a regular election, or immediately upon completion of the ballot count at a special election. The vice chair and secretary take office immediately upon appointment.(Am 20 Nov 07)(Am Feb. 15, 2011)
At least two weeks prior to each scheduled Regular Meeting, the Chair shall issue a solicitation of requests for agenda items to the faculty. The Chair has the final discretion to include or exclude any proposed agenda item from a Regular Meeting unless it was submitted on behalf of at least five voting members of the Faculty. (En 19 Feb 2013)
At least one week prior to a scheduled Regular Meeting, the Chair shall distribute the agenda for the meeting together with all pertinent documents to each member of the Faculty. (Am 19 Feb 2013)
Special Meetings are intended for the purpose of addressing urgent agenda and require at least four business days prior notice to the faculty. At least three business days prior to a scheduled Special Meeting, the Chair shall distribute the agenda for the meeting together with all pertinent documents to each member of the Faculty. (Am 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
A quorum consists of one-half of the members of the Faculty of the School of Business Administration who are members of the Academic Senate and not emeritus faculty. A quorum is necessary to conduct any official business at such meeting.(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)
A motion to submit a measure to mail ballot has precedence over a motion for a vote in a meeting. (Am Feb 19 2013)
The Faculty shall not vote on any main motion (e.g., change curricular requirements, change regulations of the school or its structure, or change these bylaws) at a meeting at which such proposals for change are first made, unless notice is previously given to all members of the Faculty in a call to the meeting. (Am 19 Feb 2013)
Any main motion introduced by a member of the faculty at a meeting and not previously announced in the meeting agenda shall be either tabled until the next meeting or vote on the motion by mail ballot with balloting to close no sooner than one week after the meeting when the motion was introduced (Am 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
These bylaws constitute primary rules of order for meetings of the Faculty and of the Standing Committees of the School of Business Administration. The order of business is that prescribed in Chapter 4 of the bylaws of the Division. Questions of order not covered by these bylaws or those of the Division are covered by The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (4th Edition) (Am 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
The minutes of every meeting of the Faculty, the Executive Committee and every School of Business Administration Standing Committee will be made available to all Faculty within ten business days after the meeting.(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)
The elected members of the committee shall include one member chosen from each designated academic area in the School. The five currently designated academic areas are Accounting and Information Systems, Finance, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management. The election is conducted as provided in Chapter 7 of the bylaws of the Division. The first order of business of the Executive Committee, after the election of the Chair of the Faculty, will be to determine whether the representation formula needs change and to recommend appropriately to the Faculty. (Am 30 May 06)(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb 19 2013)(Am Oct 10 2016)
The election for the Executive Committee is conducted as provided in Chapter 7 of the bylaws of the Division. (En 19 Feb 2013)
The term of office of members of the Executive Committee is two years. (Am 19 Feb 2013)
The Executive Committee has the following functions:
The Executive Committee has general oversight of the academic welfare and discipline of students in the school and has the power to bring before the Faculty any matters that the committee deems advisable.
The Executive Committee appoints all other standing committees and all special committees of the Faculty unless otherwise directed at a meeting of the faculty.
The Executive Committee acts finally for the Faculty (a) in the awarding of all degrees to students of the school and (b) in the awarding of honors at graduation. The committee is likewise empowered to act on petitions of students for graduation under suspension of the regulations. The committee will report all degrees approved to the Division.(Am Feb. 15, 2011)
Unless otherwise mandated by Senate bylaws, policies, and procedures, the Executive Committee acts for the Faculty in the establishment, modification, and discontinuation of majors and minors within the school (Am 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
The Executive Committee acts for the Faculty in making recommendations to the Division regarding courses.
The Executive Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Dean of the School of Business Administration on proposals to restructure the School and reviews the status of all interdisciplinary programs (Am 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
The Executive Committee establishes and maintains liaison with the Executive Committees of the other colleges and schools in the Division.
The Executive Committee assists the Dean on his/her request in matters relating to the administration of the School of Business Administration.(Am Feb. 15, 2011)
Changes or revisions in the masters level graduate programs curriculum, including proposals for new courses or deletion of existing courses, must be approved by the Executive Committee. Changes or revisions in the undergraduate programs curriculum, including proposals for new courses or deletion of existing courses, must be approved by the Executive Committee. (En 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
The members of the School of Business Administration academic programs committees will be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall have representation in all academic areas as defined in 4.1.1. The Dean of the School of Business Administration will be an ex officio member and the Associate Dean(s) of the School will be non-voting exofficio member(s). In addition, the Executive Committee can appoint other non-voting members to the committees as needed. (En 5 May 77) (Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb 19 2013) (Am 2 Dec 14) (Am Oct 10 2016)
The chairs of the master’s level Academic Programs Committee and the Chair of the undergraduate Administration Academic Programs Committee will be appointed by the Dean of the School of Business Administration and approved by the Executive Committee.(Am 8 Jun 78)(Am Feb. 15, 2011)
The term of office of the master’s level Academic Programs Committee is two years. The term of office undergraduate Academic Programs Committee is two years. (En 5 May 77)(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb 19 2013)
All new programs must be approved by the faculty of the School of Business Administration. (En 15 Feb 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)



The Faculty of the School of Business Administration consists of (a) the President of the University; (b) the Chancellor; (c) the Executive Vice Chancellor; (d) the Dean of the School of Business Administration; (e) all members of the Academic Senate who are members of the department(s) assigned to the School of Business Administration; (f) designated Senate members from other colleges and schools, who are assigned to the School of Business Administration; (g) such other Senate members as may be specified by the bylaws of the Division. (Am Feb 15 2011) (Am 19 Feb 2013)
Only voting members of the Academic Senate are eligible to vote in the Faculty of the School of Business Administration.(Am Feb. 15, 2011)



The Officers of the Faculty consist of a Chair, vice chair and a secretary.(Am Feb. 15, 2011)



Regular Meetings of the faculty are scheduled by the Chair of the faculty to be held in the first month of classes in the Fall term, in the first month of classes in the Winter term, and in the last month of classes in the Spring term. Under the above scheduling constraints, the meeting will be scheduled by the Chair of the faculty to accommodate as many faculty as possible. Special Meetings may be called by the Dean of the School of Business Administration, the Chair of the Faculty, the Executive Committee or by the written request of five voting members of the Faculty. (Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb. 19, 2013)



There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair of the Faculty and the elected members of the Faculty as provided in SOBA 4.1.1, In addition, the Dean of the School is an ex officio member and the associate Dean(s) of the School is/are non-voting ex officio member(s) unless he/she is an elected member. An elected member is not eligible for immediate reelection unless he/she has completed a term of fewer than 18 months. Eligibility is reestablished after one year of non-service. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the Faculty occupy corresponding offices in the Executive Committee. The Vice Chair and Secretary are elected by the Executive Committee from the existing elected Faculty members of the Executive Committee whenever a vacancy arises.(Am 25 Jan 79)(Am 27 May 93)(Am 30 May 06)(Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb 19 2013)
The School of Business Administration academic programs shall be guided by two Standing Committees: the Undergraduate and the Master level committees. The duty of the academic program committees is to oversee the relevant curricula. This includes developing, monitoring, evaluating and revising the substance and delivery of the curricula of degree programs and to assess the impact of the curricula on learning. The academic program committees guide the design and implementation of the School of Business’ Assurance of Learning program as defined by AACSB(En 5 May 77) (Am Feb. 15, 2011) (Am Feb 19 2013) (Am 2 Dec 2014)
The Executive Committee may appoint additional committees as needed.(En Feb. 15, 2011)


Revisions and Amendments

These bylaws and regulations can be amended or suspended only as provided in chapter 6 of the bylaws of the Division. (En 24 Apr 75)