Committees of the Division

Committees of the Division
Appointment and Tenure
Subject to approval by the Division and unless otherwise stated, the Committee on Committees of the Division appoints committees and designates their Chairs and vice Chairs, if any, from among the appointed members of those committees. An appointee may be Chair of but one standing committee in any one year. (Am 22 Oct 73)
Standing committees are appointed each year not later than June first to serve from the first day of September until the following August thirty-first. (Am 5 Feb 87)
Any standing or special committee that does not have a vice Chair appointed by the Committee on Committees may appoint a vice Chair from among its members. Service as vice Chair of a committee does not imply that the vice Chair will succeed the Chair. (En 22 May 2007)
Special committees are appointed each year not later than June first to serve from the first day of September until the following August thirty-first, unless (1) a definite term of existence is specified in the enabling act or (2) the term of existence is continued by appropriate action of the Division. (Am 5 Feb 87)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 22 May 07)
With the exception of membership on the Committee on Distinguished Teaching, Committee on Distinguished Campus Service Award, or Committee on Faculty Research Lecturer, college executive committee, or unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, no individual shall simultaneously be a member of more than one standing Committee.(En 30 May 06)(Am 22 May 07)
Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, no individual shall serve as chair of the same standing committee for more than two (2) consecutive years, but shall become eligible to serve again after a lapse of one year.(En 30 May 06)(Am 22 May 07)
General Provisions
Divisional committees, including faculties, normally report to the Division but have the right to report concurrently to the Assembly whenever the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction determines that the Assembly is the more appropriate agency to receive the report. If additional duties are imposed on any committee by order of the Regents, the president, or the Chancellor at Riverside, the committee, in the exercise of such additional duties, is answerable only to the authority imposing such duties. But if the committee desires the approval of its action in any such additional functions, or advice in executing them, it is proper for it to communicate thereon to the Division.
Annual reports of standing committees of the Division (with the exception of the Committee on Academic Personnel and Committee on Planning and Budget) constitute a special order for the Spring meeting of the Division in each academic year. The Annual Report of the Committee on Academic Personnel and Committee on Planning and Budget shall constitute a special order for the first regularly scheduled Division meeting in each academic year. In preparing these reports committee Chairs should consult past minutes or previous Chairs to make certain that their committee's report gives a complete account of all business transacted by the committee during the twelve months since the previous annual report was prepared. See 4.1.3 for procedure for receipt of reports. (Am 23 Apr 74)(Am 9 Feb 89)(Am 6 Feb 92)(Am 21 Feb 02)
The annual reports of faculties of the Division shall be presented (see 4.1.3) at the first meeting of the Division in each academic year. (En 23 Apr 74)
No special committee shall be established to perform any duty assigned by these bylaws to a standing committee.
Each standing or ad hoc committee of the Academic Senate shall annually consider the impact of conflict of interest considerations on the ability of that committee to conduct its business with the highest possible degree of credibility. To this end, each Academic Senate committee shall place on file each year as the first item of business of that committee procedures by which conflict of interest concerns will be mitigated. These procedures will be submitted to the Executive Council within 30 days of their adoption. For these purposes, "conflict of interest" is taken to refer to those situations in which personal affiliations of individual committee members with departments or programs or with individuals bringing business before the committee might be interpreted as a source of bias in committee deliberations. (En 22 May 86)(Am 20 Nov 07)
Academic Freedom
The committee consists of five members of the Division, including, ex officio the Chairs of the Committee on Privilege and Tenure and the Committee on Faculty Welfare. (Ed 30 Jun 91) (Ed 21 Nov 02)
The committee shall meet at least twice a year, and as needed. (Am 21 Nov 02)
The committee shall be alert to any conditions within or without the University that, in the judgment of the committee, may adversely affect the freedom of the academic community at large. The committee shall report any such conditions to the Division. It is understood that academic freedom includes, but is not necessarily limited to, free inquiry and exchange of ideas, the rights to present controversial material relevant to a course of instruction, to publish or disseminate controversial material or information and to perform research in controversial areas. It is also understood that academic freedom is to be conjoined with academic responsibility: it is to be exercised in accordance with standards appropriate to the relevant scholarly disciplines. (En 21 Nov 02)
Specific duties of the committee include: A. To evaluate as needed, current institutional policies (APM) as they might relate to academic freedom and propose revision to the Division or to the Systemwide Committee. B. To evaluate, as needed, current procedures for dealing with grievances in academic freedom and propose revisions to the Division. C. To consider issues of academic freedom brought before the committee by individuals or other UC Committees and to report findings and recommendations to the Division or to other committees for further action. D. To assist in the education of the academic community regarding the rights and responsibilities relating to academic freedom. To this end, the committee shall communicate a statement of its duties and mission to the general UCR academic community. (En 21 Nov 02)
Academic Personnel (Am 5 Nov 87--previously Personnel Section of Budget and Interdepartmental Relations)
The number of committee members shall be ten, and represent the variety of disciplines and fields across campus. All appointees should have at least three years of UC service at the time their term begins. All members shall hold the rank of full professor and shall serve for offset periods of three years, subject to annual reappointment, so that there is continuity and memory on the committee. No two individuals from the same department may serve simultaneously on the Committee on Academic Personnel. The committee will have a Chair appointed by the Committee on Committees, and a Vice Chair, also appointed by the Committee on Committees after consultation with the incoming Chair. The Vice Chair will assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable.(Am 16 Nov 04)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 19 May 09)
The committee shall provide advice to the Chancellor on academic personnel matters and represent the Division in all matters relating to appointments and promotions.
The committee shall file an annual report with the Division at the first regularly scheduled Division meeting of each academic year. (En 9 Feb 89) (Am 6 Feb 92)
A standing committee (Shadow CAP) of six members will exist to review personnel actions that involve current CAP members or their spouses/partners/family members. This committee will consist of faculty who have previously served on CAP. The membership will be appointed by the Committee on Committees. (En 25 Feb 14)
Shadow CAP shall file an annual report with the Division at the first regularly scheduled Division meeting of each academic year. (En 25 Feb 14)
Executive Council (Am 20 Nov 07)
This committee consists of the Chair of the Division, who is also Chair of this committee, the Vice Chair, the Secretary-Parliamentarian, the senior representative to the Assembly, the Chairs of the Committee on Academic Computing and Information Technology, Committee on Academic Personnel, the Committee on Committees, the Committee on Educational Policy, the Committee on Faculty Welfare, the Graduate Council, the Committee on Planning and Budget, the Committee on Physical Resources Planning, the Committee on Research, the Undergraduate Council, the Committee on Preparatory Education, the Committee on Diversity and Equal Opportunity and the Executive Committees of the colleges and schools at Riverside. (Am 8 Jun 78)(Am 5 Nov 87)(Am 27 May 93)(Am 9 Feb 95)(Am 29 May 97)(Am 5 Feb 98) (Am 21 Feb 06)(Am 30 May 06)
The Executive Council has only the powers enumerated in these bylaws. It advises the Chancellor of the Riverside campus, and it advises the Chair of the Division in his/her exercise of responsibility to coordinate the work of all standing and special committees of the Division, to submit the budget for the work of the Division, and to prepare the annual report of the work of the Division office. It further advises the Division's representatives to the Assembly and to Senate committees.(Am 20 Nov 07)
At the request of the Faculty of a school or college and with the advice of the appropriate Divisional committees, this committee may act upon courses, curricula, and legislation. However, it shall not act if the matter can be included in the agenda of a regular Divisional meeting to be held within thirty calendar days from the time of the request. Each such Executive Council action must be reported to the Division at the next regular meeting.(Am 20 Nov 07)
Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Am 28 May 98)(Am 21 Nov 06)(Am 26 Feb 19)
This committee consists of eight members of the Division, including, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion as non-voting ex-officio. (Am 23 May 17)
This committee represents the Division on all matters of diversity, equity, and Inclusion at UCR. It monitors the campus for discriminatory employment practices, retention, and for issues involving diversity and campus climate, and, at its discretion, makes recommendations for improvement in specific practices and general policy. It further serves as a liaison between individuals having concerns related to diversity, equity, and inclusion at UCR and the Division, providing, at its discretion, advice and guidance when requested. (En 23 May 73)(Am 28 May 98)(Am 23 May 17)(Am 26 Feb 19)
This committee also represents the Division on all matters concerned with student diversity, equity, and inclusion including efforts to monitor and to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups who enter undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. In this regard, the committee will promote efforts to support these students in the successful completion of their program. The committee may initiate studies and evaluations of the effects of administration and Faculty policies and practices on student diversity, equity, and inclusion. Normally, the Chair of the divisional Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will represent the Division on the University Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity. (En 5 Feb 87)(Am 28 May 98)(Am 17 Feb 09)(Am 26 Feb 19)
Charges (En 5 Jun 75)
This committee consists of seven members. (Am Nov 02)
Five members shall constitute a quorum.
It is the duty of this committee to:
Receive in writing, through the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee , unresolved complaints regarding Faculty conduct, as per procedures described in SBL336 and UCR Division Appendix 5; (Am 29 Nov. 2011)
Determine whether the allegations in the complaint, if true, would constitute a violation of University policy regulating individual Faculty conduct; and
If answered negatively, recommend to the Chancellor that all references to the complaint shall be expunged from all records except that of the Charges Committee;
If answered affirmatively, request from the Chancellor any supporting evidence already developed and conduct an inquiry to determine if there is probable cause to warrant a disciplinary hearing before the Committee on Privilege and Tenure. The findings shall be submitted to the Chancellor. (Am 31 May 79) (Am 29 May 12)
The committee may for the purpose of fulfilling the duty described in appoint ad hoc committees. (Am 29 Nov. 11) (Am 29 May 12)
This committee consists of twelve elected members. Each member takes office September 1 after his/her election has been reported to the Division (Am 5 Feb 87)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 19 May 15)
The members of this committee are elected as follows: (Am 24 Apr 75)
The membership includes four representatives each from the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, two members from the College of Engineering, one member from the School of Business Administration or the Graduate School of Education and one member from the School of Medicine or the School of Public Policy. No more than one member of any one department or program may be on the committee. (Am 24 Apr 75)(Am 25 May 95)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 19 May 15)
Each member is elected each year to serve for three years. No member is eligible for immediate reelection but becomes eligible after one year of nonservice. Either three members or four members are elected each year, on a rotating basis.(Am 24 Apr 75) (Am 25 May 95)(Am 30 May 06)
The election of a college representative is conducted entirely within the Faculty which he/she represents. Elections are conducted according to the procedure described in Chapter 7 and are held in time to be reported to the Division for confirmation at its last stated meeting of the academic year. (Am 24 Apr 75)
Whenever the Committee on Committees determines that a vacancy of more than 6 months exists in its membership, it so reports to the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division, who immediately issues to the members of the Division or to the members of the appropriate Faculty a notice of election for the purpose of filling the vacancy for the remainder of the term. If a person so elected serves for a period of one year or less, the provisions of with regard to immediate reelection do not apply and he/she is eligible for reelection. If he/she is elected for a period of more than one year, the provisions of apply. A vacancy shall be determined to exist and the committee member considered to have resigned if he/she anticipates an absence from the committee of more than six calendar months. Vacancies of six calendar months or less are filled temporarily by appointment by the Committee on Committees. Such an appointment shall be made from the same college or school as that of the member being temporarily replaced. (Am 24 Jan 80)
During his tenure on the Committee on Committees, a member shall not hold membership on any other standing committee of the Division except the Executive Council, the Committee on Distinguished Teaching, the Committee on Faculty Research Lecturer, or the Faculty of a college, school, or division at Riverside. This restriction shall not apply to temporary appointments under (Am 21 Feb 80)(Am 20 Nov 07)
The committee elects its own Chair and secretary, and makes its own rules of procedure, consistent with the bylaws and regulations of the Academic Senate. It is the duty of the committee to appoint members not ex officio of each standing committee of the Division, except the Committee on Committees, and to designate the Chair of each. It also appoints one of its members to serve as the Division's member on the University Committee on Committees. The committee has the power to receive and to act upon resignations, to decide when vacancies occur, and to make appointments to fill vacancies in the Division's standing committees, other than the Committee on Committees, and vacancies among the Division's representatives to the Assembly of the Academic Senate. It shall report such appointments at the next regular meeting of the Division; and unless objection be made and an election called for by a majority vote of those present, the appointment shall stand. A member appointed to fill a vacancy takes office at once and serves for the full remaining term or lesser length as designated, unless his appointment is rejected by the Division and another person elected. (Am 7 Dec 71)
When a member of a standing committee other than the Committee on Committees goes on a leave of less than one academic year in duration, the committee shall appoint a member of the Division to fill the temporary vacancy. (En 7 Dec 71)
The committee appoints members of special committees unless the Division gives other directions at the time of the creation of such a committee. Such appointments do not require approval of the Division but are reported at the next regular meeting.
The committee shall annually appoint a grievance consultation panel to consist of at least 5 former members of the divisional committee on Privilege and Tenure or the Committee on Charges. In accordance with Bylaw 335(B)(1), any one of the members of this panel shall be available, upon request of any Senate member, to give advice on the relief open to him/her in case of a grievance, and discuss with the aggrieved Senate member his/her claim of violation of rights or privileges, and counsel him/her on the appropriate procedures to be followed. Such member shall not serve as representative of any complainant in a subsequent pre-hearing or formal hearing. (En 3 Feb 83)(Am 30 May 06)
This committee or a committee appointed by it serves as a properly constituted advisory committee of the Division to advise the Chancellor concerning the appointment of Deans or other officers of equivalent rank.* *Legislative Ruling 6 May 65: Officers of Equivalent Rank--It is the intent of this By-Law that the phrase "officers of equivalent rank" includes on this campus such officers as the vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Research.
Library and Information Technology (En 6 Oct 70) (Am 5 Feb 98) (Am 14 Oct 2013)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Purpose: The Committee on Library and Information Technology advises the Division, Chancellor and President in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Regents on all matters relating to academic computing and information technology; administration of the library; and matters concerning scholarly communications. (Am 9 Feb 89)(Am 5 Feb 98)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Membership: This committee consists of at least nine members, including a Chair and Vice Chair appointed by Committee on Committees. Membership: This committee consists of at least nine members, including a Chair and Vice Chair appointed by the Committees on Committees. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Computing and Communications (or his/her representative) and the University Librarian of the Riverside Campus will serve as ex officio non-voting members. Neither ex officio member may serve as Chair or Vice Chair. The Vice Chair of the committee normally serves on the University Committee on Computing and Communications. The Chair will normally serve on the University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communications. (AM 19 Nov 81)(AM 2 Feb 98) (AM 9 Jan 73) (Am 14 Oct 13)(AM 23 Feb 16)
Duties: It is the duty of this Committee to: (AM 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Review use of and recommend ways to improve the functioning of the campus Computing and Communications, and University Library units to meet Faculty and student needs; (Am 5 Feb 98) (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Recommend ways to improve education in the use of computers, information, and campus instructional technology; (Am 5 Feb 98) (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Assess the state of campus instructional technology support and participate in long range planning to meet future needs; the committee may also initiate studies and generate recommendations to the division and the administration on the better use of campus library and technology resources. (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Subject to fund availability, this committee will solicit and rank requests for grants for supporting and expanding the use of computing and information technology in research and instruction; (En 9 Feb 89) (Am 3 Feb 00) (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Participate with the librarian in matters relating to the library budget, the formulation of library policies, the allocation of space, and the apportionment of funds; and serve as a liaison between the faculty and library administration. (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Prepare and submit to the Division an annual report on the library’s effectiveness in meeting the campus needs, its financial situation, allocations of space, facilities for research, and any other matters within its jurisdiction. (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
Participate in an advisory capacity in the appointment of the librarian. (Am 14 Oct 13)(Am 23 Feb 16)
This committee consists of a minimum of eight members, normally with at least one member representing each of the areas: humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, and physical sciences, and each of the colleges/schools. One member of the Committee on Courses is also a member of the Committee on Educational Policy. (Am 22 May 86)(Am 25 May 95)(Am 30 Nov 2010)
Subject to the provision of 8.10.3, the Committee has authority for final approval of all courses of the Riverside Division, except those courses in University Extension above the 200 series, giving due consideration to the findings of the Graduate Council, the Committee on University Extension, Executive Committees of the colleges and schools, and officers at Riverside. The Committee has authority for approval of associate-instructors for upper-division and graduate courses, and for instructors of University Extension courses numbered below 200. The committee will report its actions to the next regular meeting of the Division. (Am 28 May 81)(Am 30 Nov. 2010)
By a petition signed by any five voting members of the Division, all matters concerning the approval or disapproval of courses may be referred to the Division for final action. In conformity with Bylaw 6.1, the petition shall then be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Division. Pending consideration by the Division, the filing of a petition shall not affect the status of any approved course. Nor shall the disapproval of any course by the Division affect the status of any approved course in which instruction is currently being offered. (En 28 May 81)
The committee shall, after consultation with the department(s) concerned, have the authority to delete any course which has not been offered for four consecutive years. (En 30 May 85)
Distinguished Teaching (En 5 Oct 67)
This committee consists of five members appointed from among previous recipients of Distinguished Teaching Awards. (Am 20 Mar 74)
This committee nominates annually for election by the Division one or more members of the Division to receive a Distinguished Teaching Award. These awards are presented in connection with the Commencement ceremonies. The committee receives suggestions, evaluates qualifications, and selects individuals for nomination on the basis of consideration of information from all sources.
Educational Policy
This committee consists of fifteen members including a Chair, a vice Chair, and a member of the Committee on Courses designated by the Committee on Committees. The membership shall include a representative from each of the Colleges. The Committee on Committees will make every attempt also to include representation from each of the Professional Schools. One member of the committee shall serve on the University Committee on Educational Policy. (Am 22 May 86)(Am 10 Jun 91)(Am 30 May 06)(Am 26 Nov 13)(Am 24 May 16)
It is the duty of the committee to consider and report upon such matters of educational policy which may be referred to it by the President, the Chancellor, the Division, or by any committee of the Division. The committee has power to review the educational policy and curricula of all colleges, schools, and University Extension. It is authorized to initiate such studies and to make such reports to the President, the Chancellor, the Division, or University committees as it deems appropriate upon the establishment and disestablishment of curricula, colleges, schools, institutes, departments, bureaus, and the like, and upon legislation or administrative policies of a fundamental character involving questions of educational policy.
The Committee will develop policies for the implementation of campus graduation requirements, including specification of courses or other methods by which requirements may be satisfied. The committee will report such policies to the Division. (En 29 Nov 79)
The committee may take the initiative in recommending innovative programs to the administration and the Division. (En 5 Jun 75)
The committee will establish the procedures for and the sequence of undergraduate program reviews. (En 10 Jun 91)
The committee will periodically initiate reviews of broader undergraduate issues such as freshmen experience, advising, size of classes, seminars, and other critical features related to excellence in undergraduate education at UCR. (En 10 Jun 91)
Faculty Research Lecturer
This committee consists of five members of the Division appointed from among previous Faculty research lecturers.
It is the duty of this committee to nominate for election by the Division any member of the Division who has made a distinguished record in research to deliver a lecture upon a topic of his/her selection. This nomination for the succeeding academic year shall be made no later than the final meeting of the Division in the spring term.
Graduate Council
Purpose. The Graduate Council reviews and sets policy regarding graduate academic affairs on the Riverside campus. ( Am 27 May 14)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Membership. This committee consists of at least fifteen members of the Division, including at least one member from each school and college. The Dean of the Graduate Division serves as a non-voting ex officio , and may not serve as Chair or Vice Chair of the Council. One member of the committee will serve as the Divisional representative to the University Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs. (Am 5 Nov 87) (Am 29 May 97) (Am Nov 02)(Am 17 Feb 09)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Duties. It is the duty of this committee to:
Make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs, with the prior approval of the Division, concerning (a) the qualifications of departments and graduate curricula for initiating new programs leading to existing graduate degrees, and (b) the establishment of new graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Coordinate the procedures in the Division relating to the conferring of degrees higher than the Bachelor's Degree;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set policies and standards for admission to graduate status; (En 20 Mar 75)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set standards for appointment of graduate students to be Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Research Assistants, and recipients of University Fellowships; (En 20 Mar 75)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Admit qualified students to candidacy for graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Recommend the award of fellowships and graduate scholarships, including honorary traveling fellowships, according to the terms of the various foundations;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Appoint committees in charge of candidates' studies, who shall certify that every candidate recommended for a higher degree has fulfilled the requirements of the University pertaining to that degree;(Am 21 Nov 06)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Supervise the conduct of public and other examinations for higher degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Make final report to the Division on the conferring of graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Conduct periodic peer reviews (internal or extramural) of continuing graduate degree programs; and regulate in other ways the work of the Graduate Division, with a view to the promotion of research and learning; (Am 29 May 97)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Report and make recommendations to the Division on matters pertaining to graduate work;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Advise the Chancellor concerning relations with educational and research foundations; Limit at its discretion the number of credit hours of students who are employed; (Am 29 May 97)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Make rules governing the form of presentation and the disposal of dissertations;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Recommend and supervise all graduate courses of instruction in the Division. In discharging this responsibility, the Graduate Council presents its recommendations on courses to the Committee on Courses. (Am 26 Apr 79)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set policy and standards for appointment of postdoctoral scholars or their academic equivalent and for their enrollment by the Graduate Division.(Am 21 Nov 06)(Am 1 Dec 15)
International Education (Am 26 May 88--previously Education Abroad Committee)
This committee consists of at least five regular voting members in addition to the following non-voting, ex-officio members who may not serve as Chair of the Divisional Committee: the Vice Provost for International Affairs; the Dean of University Extension; the Director of the International Student Resource Center; the Director of University Extensions’ International Education Programs; the campus faculty liaison to the University of California Education Abroad Program; an undergraduate student; and a graduate student. The representative on the Universitywide committee is normally the Chair of this committee. (Am 26 May 88) (Am 27 May 99) (Am 11 Nov 04)(Am 20 Nov 07)(Am 1 Dec 09) (Am 25 Feb 14) (Am 1 Dec 15)
The committee shall represent the Division in all matters concerned with international Education. In particular, it shall advise the Division on the Education Abroad Program and other aspects of international education, including the well-being of foreign students and faculty at UCR, the participation of UCR in international exchange agreements, and the participation of UCR faculty and students in international research and educational programs other than the EAP. (Am 26 May 88)(Am 27 May 99)
Physical Resources Planning
The committee will consist of seven members. One committee member shall be appointed from the agricultural sciences departments and programs of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences; one member from the natural sciences departments and programs of that college. One member shall be appointed from the social sciences departments and programs in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; one member from the humanities departments and programs of that college. One member shall be appointed from the professional colleges/schools. Two members shall be appointed from the Divisional membership at-large who possess technical or academic expertise in the areas of architecture, design, landscape architecture, and the design and placing of public art. (Am 11 Feb 93)(Am 25 May 95)(Am 30 May 96)
The committee shall provide advice to the Chancellor and represent the Division on matters concerning the use of campus lands and buildings, the design and placement of new buildings, and policies guiding University relations with industry and other enterprises. It shall consider, provide advice, and report on the use of physical resources and Universityindustry relations which may be referred to it by the Academic Council, University committees, the Chancellor, the vice Chancellors, the Division, or by any committee of the Division.
Planning and Budget (Am 5 Nov 87--previously Resources Section, Budget and Interdepartmental Relations)
The committee will have at least nine members, preferably of tenure rank, one of whom will be selected by the Committee on Committees to serve as Chair, another as Vice Chair. One committee member shall be appointed from the social sciences departments and programs of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; one member from the arts departments of that college; and one member from the humanities departments and programs of that college. One committee member shall be appointed from the natural sciences departments and programs of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences; one member from the biological sciences departments and programs of that college; and one member from the physical sciences departments and programs of that college. One committee member shall be appointed from the Bourns College of Engineering, one from the Anderson Graduate School of Management and one from the Graduate School of Education. Additional members from other units may be appointed as appropriate. The Chair normally also serves on the University Committee on Planning and Budget. One P&B member, who may be the Chair, will also serve on the Service Level Agreement Governance Committee. (Am 25 May 95) (Am 28 May 98)(Am 17 Feb 09) (Am 29 May 12) (Am 25 Feb 14)(Am 23 Feb 16)
The committee shall provide advice to the Chancellor and represent the Division on matters concerning the distribution of resources on campus. It shall also be the duty of the committee to consider, provide advice and report on such matters of academic planning and resource allocations which may be referred to it by the University Committee on Planning and Budget, the Academic Council, the Chancellor, the vice Chancellors, the Deans, the Division, or by any committee of the Division. (Am 28 May 98)
Privilege and Tenure
This committee consists of at least five members. (Am 7 Dec 71) (Am 18 May 2004)
It is the duty of this committee to deal with three distinct categories of cases; grievance cases (SBL 335), where a member of the Senate claims injury through the violation of his/her rights and privileges; disciplinary cases (SBL 336) where a member of the Senate is accused of having violated the Faculty Code of Conduct; and early termination cases (SBL 337), where a Senate or non- Senate faculty member challenges whether there is good cause for his/her early termination. The committee may also be called upon by campus administration to render advice on campus policies or local regulations that may affect academic privileges and tenure. The committee is guided by procedures in UC Senate Bylaw 334-337. (Am 5 Nov 69)(Am 18 May 2004)
The committee consists of at least ten members, one of whom serves as representative to the University Committee on Research Policy; and the Vice Chancellor for Research who will serve as a non-voting ex officio member. Five members shall be appointed from the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; the Graduate School of Education; and/or the School of Business Administration. Five members shall be appointed from the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences; the School of Medicine; and/or the Bourns College of Engineering. The committee considers and reviews matters pertaining to the research mission of the UC Riverside campus, and advises the UC Riverside Division of the Academic Senate, the Chancellor, Provost, and Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development regarding policies, practices, and budgetary needs pertaining to the research mission of the UC Riverside Division. (Am 5 Feb 87) (Am 25 May 2010) (Am 19 February 2013) (Am 6 December 2016)
In addition to this general charge, it also has the following specific duties: ( Am 25 May 2010)
Advise the Academic Senate on budgetary needs concerning research activities that are supported by the funds at the disposal of this committee. (Am 25 May 2010) (Am 6 December 2016)
Cooperate with the Office of Research to advise on the pre-selection of campus nominees or applicants for research contracts/grants from foundations and other granting agencies that restrict the number of proposals submitted from the campus. (Am 25 May 2010)
Review and evaluate faculty applications for support from intramural research funds, research travel funds, or other research funds for which the committee may be made responsible, and to recommend allocation of these funds within the limits of University policy governing the grants. (Am 9 Oct 69) (Am 25 May 2010)
Rules and Jurisdiction
This committee consists of three members, one of whom is the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division. The Chair may also serve on the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. (Am 22 Oct 73)
It is the duty of this committee to:
Prepare and report to the Division such changes and additions to the bylaws and regulations of the Division as may seem advisable;
Review legislation submitted for adoption by the Division to determine whether such legislation conflicts with the bylaws and regulations of the Academic Senate;
Advise the Division on the scope of its jurisdiction and that of the Academic Senate as a whole;
Recommend to the Division such changes in its organization as seem desirable;
Make editorial and nonsubstantive changes in the bylaws and regulations with regard to numbering, headings, cross references, organizational titles and details of style, reporting all such changes to the organizations directly concerned, and publishing them in the call for the next meeting of the Division;
Edit and publish, at such intervals as may seem necessary, the Manual of the Riverside Division of the Academic Senate, which shall consist of the bylaws and regulations of the Division, such appendices as the Division shall direct to be included, and the bylaws and regulations of faculties and councils directly responsible to the Division;
To hear, upon petition of no fewer than five members of the Division, challenges to any action of a divisional committee alleged to be contrary to the Code of the Academic Senate or to the Manual of the Riverside Division [except for challenges to findings on the merits in a particular case by a Committee on Privilege and Tenure]. Prior to reporting its findings, the Committee should give the parties to the case an opportunity to present their views, either orally or in writing; (En 10 Nov 94)
To respond to informal requests from members, officers, or committees of the Division for information regarding the Code of the Academic Senate or the legislation of the Division, summarizing all such correspondence in the annual report. (En 10 Nov 94)
Scholarships and Honors (En 5 Nov 87)
This committee consists of eight members of the Division; one undergraduate student representative, who shall not have the right to vote; Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, ex officio, who shall not have the right to vote, and the Director of Financial Aid, ex officio, who shall not have the right to vote. (Am 4 Feb 88) (Am 20 Feb 03) (Am 21 Feb 2012)
It is the duty of this committee to:
Recommend to the President, through the Chancellor, the awarding of undergraduate scholarships, including Regents' scholarships and other competitive awards, according to the terms established by the Regents and the various foundations, subject to such conditions as the Division and the Committee on Scholarships and Honors may prescribe;
Determine general policy on the award of prizes, unless otherwise provided for, and supervise the award of prizes to students on the Riverside campus, with a view to avoiding the duplication of awards;
Establish minimum standards for undergraduate honors and honors awarded at graduation, inform colleges and schools about their obligations in these matters, and subsequently determine whether these obligations have been fulfilled*; *See Chapter 3 of Appendix for Divisional criteria for Dean's honor list and honors at graduation.
Report to the Division annually, on deliberations and recommendations of the committee. (Am 21 Feb. 2012)
Undergraduate Admissions Committee (En 5 Jun 75) (Am 19 May 09)
The Committee consists of seven members of the Division, one of whom shall be the Chair; one Divisional representative to the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools; one undergraduate student representative, who shall not have the right to vote; and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services, ex officio, or his/her designee. The Chair can also serve as the Division representative in addition to his or her Chair duties. (Am 5 Nov 87)(Am 18 Nov 03) (Am 19 May 09) (Am 28 May 13)(Am 26 June 17)
It is the duty of the Undergraduate Admissions Committee to: (Am 19 May 09)
Advise the Division and the administration on matters having to do with admissions and enrollment on the Riverside campus. These matters, which are the primary concern of the Undergraduate Admissions Committee, include but are not limited to: recruitment and outreach; special action admissions; articulation with community colleges; and relations with high schools and community colleges. (Am 5 Nov 87)(Am 19 May 09)
Preparatory Education (En 30 May 85)(Am 27 May 93)
This committee consists of ten members including one member each from the English and Mathematics departments, three members from other departments, schools, or programs, the Divisional representative to the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools, ex officio, the director of Entry Level Writing, ex officio, the associate Dean-- student affairs of the College of Engineering, ex officio, the associate Dean--student affairs of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, ex officio, and the associate Dean--academic affairs of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, ex officio. An ex officio member may not serve as Chair. The Chair normally also serves on the University Committee on Preparatory Education. (Am 5 Nov 87)(Ed 30 Jun 91)(Am 25 May 95)(Ed 25 May 00)(Ed 22 Nov 05)(Am 19 May 15)(Am 24 May 16)
It is the duty of this committee to:
Monitor academic aspects of preparatory and remedial education, including the requirements in Entry Level Writing, Mathematics, and History and Institutions;(Ed 22 Nov 05)
Conduct periodic reviews and evaluations of preparatory and remedial education including evaluations of the appropriateness of qualifier courses;
Initiate proposals to establish, evaluate and terminate preparatory and remedial education programs;
Supervise the implementation of Senate Regulations 636 and 761 for the Division;
Report on preparatory and remedial education to the Division and to other Senate agencies including the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools.
University Extension
This committee consists of six members. (Am 9 Jan 73)(Am 20 Nov 85)(Am 28 May 98)
It is the duty of this committee to:
Advise the Chancellor and the director of University Extension on matters referred by them to the committee;
Initiate recommendations to the Chancellor and the director of University Extension concerning the function and the educational and related budgetary and personnel policies of University Extension;
Review the annual report of the director of University Extension and submit an annual report and such interim special reports as seem advisable to the Division;
Advise the director of University Extension and the departments, colleges, and Graduate Division with respect to:
Establishment, continuance, and discontinuance of Extension programs;
Criteria for appointment and retention of Extension teaching staff;
Policy concerning acceptance of financial support for Extension programs from sources outside the University;
Establishment of requirements for admission to Extension courses yielding credit toward an academic degree;
Coordination of the relations of University Extension with the Division;
Recommend and supervise all University Extension courses in the Division yielding credit; in discharging this responsibility the Committee on University Extension presents its recommendations on all courses numbered below 300 to the Committee on Courses for review and approval (read Bylaw 8.10.2), but the committee is empowered to give final approval to all University Extension courses above the 200 series, provided that it reports all such action taken to the Division at least once each quarter.
Faculty Welfare
This committee consists of twelve members, two of whom shall be emeriti/ae professors. The committee shall have a broad and diverse representation from across campus. The Chair normally also serves on the University Committee on Faculty Welfare. (Am 9 Jan 73)(Am 26 May 88)(Am 8 Feb 90)(Am 27 May 93)(Am 24 May 05)(Am 28 Feb 17)
It is the duty of this committee to report to the Division on any and all matters of faculty welfare. (Am 24 May 05)
Distinguished Campus Service (En 20 Nov 2007)
This committee consists of five members of the Division and will be composed of previous recipients of the award selected by the Academic Senate Committee on Committees with due diligence to maintaining diversity of membership. Each year, the newly selected recipients of the award become eligible to serve on the committee. For the first five years of the committee's existence, the membership can include non-recipients of the award.
This committee nominates annually for election by the Division at its spring meeting, one or more members of the ladder rank faculty at UCR to receive this award, which is designed to recognize exceptional effort and achievement in service to the UCR Campus. (Am 30 Nov. 2010)
Committee on Memorial Resolutions
This committee consists of seven members of the Division, including a representative from each College and Professional School.
This committee is responsible, on behalf of the Division, for preparation and publication of commemorative statements concerning the lives and services to the University of deceased members of the Division, and other members of the University community whom the Committee, at its discretion, may choose to memorialize.
The Committee may appoint ad hoc committees as may be appropriate in each case.