Committees (Am 21 Feb 2012)
Standing Committees: There shall be seven (7) standing committees of the School of Medicine: The Faculty Executive Committee, the Medical Education Committee, the Medical School Admissions Committee, the Medical School Progress and Promotions Committee, the Graduate Advisory Committee, the Clinical Faculty appointments committee, and the Volunteer Clinical Appointments Committee. Each Standing Committee may appoint such subcommittees as it deems necessary to conduct its business. Each committee and any subcommittee will develop a conflict of interest policy that will be discussed, amended if desired, voted upon each year, and submitted to the Faculty Executive Committee as a point of information. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
Standing Committees: There shall be seven (7) standing committees of the School of Medicine: The Faculty Executive Committee, the Medical Education Committee, the Medical School Admissions Committee, the Medical School Progress and Promotions Committee, the Graduate Advisory Committee, the Clinical Faculty appointments committee, and the Volunteer Clinical Appointments Committee. Each Standing Committee may appoint such subcommittees as it deems necessary to conduct its business. Each committee and any subcommittee will develop a conflict of interest policy that will be discussed, amended if desired, voted upon each year, and submitted to the Faculty Executive Committee as a point of information. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)
There shall be a Faculty Executive Committee consisting of at least eight (8) Academic Senate Faculty members and the Chair of the Faculty of the School of Medicine, who serves as Committee Chair with voting privileges. The Dean and the Senior Executive Dean of the School of Medicine will serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. In addition to the members of the committee listed above, two representatives shall be elected by the non-Senate Faculty, and these representatives shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the Committee and to vote on issues that are outside the responsibilities of the Academic Senate. For issues within the responsibilities of the Academic Senate, non-Senate Faculty members are without the right to vote (as in Bylaw 1.2). These non-Senate elected representatives must hold at least half-time appointments in the Clinical Professor series of the School of Medicine. (Am 21 Feb 2012) (Am 25 Feb 2014)