
Graduate Council

Graduate Council
Purpose. The Graduate Council reviews and sets policy regarding graduate academic affairs on the Riverside campus. ( Am 27 May 14)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Membership. This committee consists of at least fifteen members of the Division, including at least one member from each school and college. The Dean of the Graduate Division serves as a non-voting ex officio , and may not serve as Chair or Vice Chair of the Council. One member of the committee will serve as the Divisional representative to the University Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs. (Am 5 Nov 87) (Am 29 May 97) (Am Nov 02)(Am 17 Feb 09)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Duties. It is the duty of this committee to:
Make recommendations to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs, with the prior approval of the Division, concerning (a) the qualifications of departments and graduate curricula for initiating new programs leading to existing graduate degrees, and (b) the establishment of new graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Coordinate the procedures in the Division relating to the conferring of degrees higher than the Bachelor's Degree;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set policies and standards for admission to graduate status; (En 20 Mar 75)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set standards for appointment of graduate students to be Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Research Assistants, and recipients of University Fellowships; (En 20 Mar 75)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Admit qualified students to candidacy for graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Recommend the award of fellowships and graduate scholarships, including honorary traveling fellowships, according to the terms of the various foundations;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Appoint committees in charge of candidates' studies, who shall certify that every candidate recommended for a higher degree has fulfilled the requirements of the University pertaining to that degree;(Am 21 Nov 06)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Supervise the conduct of public and other examinations for higher degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Make final report to the Division on the conferring of graduate degrees;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Conduct periodic peer reviews (internal or extramural) of continuing graduate degree programs; and regulate in other ways the work of the Graduate Division, with a view to the promotion of research and learning; (Am 29 May 97)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Report and make recommendations to the Division on matters pertaining to graduate work;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Advise the Chancellor concerning relations with educational and research foundations; Limit at its discretion the number of credit hours of students who are employed; (Am 29 May 97)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Make rules governing the form of presentation and the disposal of dissertations;(Am 1 Dec 15)
Recommend and supervise all graduate courses of instruction in the Division. In discharging this responsibility, the Graduate Council presents its recommendations on courses to the Committee on Courses. (Am 26 Apr 79)(Am 1 Dec 15)
Set policy and standards for appointment of postdoctoral scholars or their academic equivalent and for their enrollment by the Graduate Division.(Am 21 Nov 06)(Am 1 Dec 15)