Authority, Duties, and Membership

Authority, Duties, and Membership (Am 24 May 2005)
The Riverside Division is a committee of the Academic Senate. The Division's authority and duties are defined by the Bylaws of the Academic Senate and are derived from the Standing Orders of The Regents. The relevant parts of the Standing Orders of the Regents, Section 105, are set forth in Appendix 1. The Division has the authority to: Organize, select its own officers and committees, and adopt rules and regulations of the Academic Senate for the conduct of its business. Receive and consider reports and recommendations from faculties of colleges and schools located wholly or partly on the Riverside campus, from its Divisional committees, from local administrative officers, and from other divisions. Originate and take final action on legislation substantially affecting only the Division. Establish faculties in schools and colleges located wholly on the Riverside campus. Transmit directly to the President resolutions on any matter of University concern, subject to provisions of the Bylaws of the Academic Senate. Initiate memorials to the Regents on any matter of University concern. Submit reports and recommendations to the Assembly concerning changes in Senate legislation and such other matters as it may deem appropriate. Authorize and supervise all undergraduate and graduate courses of instruction and curricula in the colleges and schools at Riverside, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws of the Academic Senate or in the Standing Orders of the Regents, and all courses offered for credit by the Riverside Office of University Extension. Recommend to the President of the University all candidates for degrees who have completed requirements for those degrees in a school, college, or Graduate Division subject to the jurisdiction of the Division. Exercise all powers of the Academic Senate not specifically delegated to the Senate Assembly or to the standing committees of the Academic Senate. (Am 24 May 2005)
The members of the Riverside Division are: The President of the University; the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Provosts, Directors of academic programs, the Admissions Officer, the Registrar, and the University Librarian at Riverside; All officers of instruction at Riverside whose academic title entitles them, by Standing Order of the Regents 105.1, to membership in the Academic Senate; Senate members holding Universitywide appointments who elect to enroll in the Riverside Division and who are not enrolled in any other Division; and Any other persons certified for membership by the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Division in accordance with Divisional and Academic Senate legislation. A member of the Senate temporarily assigned to the Riverside campus may transfer his/her voting privilege to the Riverside Division by reporting the transfer and certifying the time limits of the assignment to the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Riverside Division; Membership does not lapse because of leave of absence or transfer to emeritus status. (Am 24 May 2005)
Instructors or Instructors in Residence with less than two years service may not vote in meetings of the Division, its Faculties, or in Academic Senate ballots. (Am 24 May 2005)